i'm the kind of girl/person

who will tell you not to buy me flowers cuz i will feel bad that you spend your money on me. But I would love one of the cheep ones if you really wanted to buy me one.

who would say it's cool, i'm cool, but seriously I am breaking inside and all I need is for you to ask me over and over until I give the correct answer (which can be quite difficult)

who wants you to stay or at least be near me as much as you can by the spare time you got. But still doesn't want to take to much of your private time and give you a social life.

who never wants to be annoying or in the way in any kind of way. But still wants to text/ hear from you all the time if i can.

who will be there for you, make stuff for you, even maybe be a little slave if you would call it that. But I do it cuz i hope you will do the same back for me one day. 

listan kan göras lång.. men i vilket fall, jag är en svår person o vara tillsammans med. och min hjärna o mitt hjärta är inte överrens någonstans i vad jag tycker om och inte. :3 <3


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