bästa helg!

Publicerat: 2012-04-26 | 17:20:15 i Allmänt
läängtar till helgen!!
ska va med älskling!<3
puss och smek o vad nu mera finns <3

i feel that i need 2 confess something...
jag längtar fan till att bli gravid o.o
nää men seriöst, att vara med om att få skapa ett liv, uppfostra ett barn så som du tycker är okej,
älska ett barn mer än du älskar något annat och få så mycket kärlek tillbaka<3
skiter i bajs o spya o sånt.. det är det som hör till bara ;)
XOXO Another Ordinary Girl<33


Publicerat: 2012-04-24 | 16:55:49 i Allmänt
I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there
Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss
Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back
If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that
I've missed you since you've been away
tagit ut de bästa bitarna x)
XOXO Another Ordinary Girl

happier than ever before<3

Publicerat: 2012-04-21 | 23:09:26 i Allmänt
woow wilken vändning xD
screw my mother u are worth everything<33333


Publicerat: 2012-04-20 | 13:40:30 i Allmänt
i'm crying....
i'm crying caouse it hurts, it hurts to know that i am about to let you down, this is the FUCKING WORST TIME OF MY LIFE, at the same time it's the BEST TIME IN A LONG TIME AND I AM SO HAPPY TO HAVE YOU, but now i'm afraid that you will never trust me , and thats all just because of this MOTHER FUCKING SICKNESS GOING ON IN MY MOTHER FUCKING BODY!I LOVE YOU, I hope u know that, and I will do whatever it takes to meet u just as soon as possible, but, the best time ever, is sp far away right know it seems...
you wanna hear a silly thing, i am crying, like a little baby cause i'm afraid that you maybe will dump me, just cause I don't come when i say i will, i make you sad so many times that it hurts me to know it.
my mother told me to tell you that I should blame it all on her, but I can't cause my mother is always there for me and she's a lovely person and you should not think of her like a bad one. and it's just because i didn't listen 2 her that i still is so sick right now.......
I just..
Ijust wish it was summer right now, and we are together sitting on a blanklet on the beach near by the ocean, and just having this awsome times together.<3<3
ok, det blev på engelska, men mest bara för att jag kollat på massor av engelska saker, men anyway orkar inte översätta ! gör det själv!
XOXO Another ORdinary Girl

I love u

Publicerat: 2012-04-12 | 17:22:30 i Allmänt
Lyckan som uppstår <3


Publicerat: 2012-04-10 | 14:28:43 i Allmänt

stupid disney!

Publicerat: 2012-04-10 | 14:26:47 i Allmänt

if you happy and you know it clap your hands!

Publicerat: 2012-04-09 | 00:43:54 i Allmänt
har en lååååång story att säga , men är ganska så trött nu så kanske ngn annan gång.. CHIAO!
Vet jag är inte så social, men orka, skriver när f*kin jag vill ^^ moahahahahaha!!!!
XOXO anotherOrdinaryGirl

I don't know how 2 show you how i really feel

Publicerat: 2012-04-05 | 07:46:00 i Allmänt
tue att morsan väckte en när mobiljäveln sket i att ringa alarm! :@
blir sur som fan, men hinner inte skriva mer, busssen är snart frmme byebey

It's funny when you're dead, how people starts listen'

Publicerat: 2012-04-04 | 20:48:25 i Allmänt
hoppas på att kunna kolla bio i mon, har längtat aslänge på att få se 'the hunger games' ÄNTLIGEN kom den till bio huset ! vart fan på tiden ;)
slurp, smask och smek!
Another ordinary Girl

Baby, when will you realize. i'm not like the rest

Publicerat: 2012-04-03 | 20:31:27 i Allmänt
fan ÄÄLSKAR hur de har gjort denna parodin såå bra :D

they tell me your blue sky fade to grey,

Publicerat: 2012-04-03 | 07:21:31 i Allmänt
usch blä skit urk spya!
årets ''tränder'' och inne listor får mig att spy!
samma visa varje jävla år!
mera färger! mera vågat! mera FULA SKIT SOM FÅR DEJ AT SE UT SOM EN VANDANDE MUPPET!
vad hände med gammla classic black n white?
blöö på det xD
Another Ordinary Girl<3

no, i love 2 be by myself ^^

Publicerat: 2012-04-02 | 16:43:39 i Allmänt
tack för att du finns sötis<3
Ni är då förjäkla mogna oxå va?

I'd rather sit alone in the darkness, than sit by somebody who doesnt even give a shit about trying to know me..

Publicerat: 2012-04-02 | 10:00:51 i Allmänt
Love that i hate , Hate that i love U <33

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