i'm crying....
i'm crying caouse it hurts, it hurts to know that i am about to let you down, this is the FUCKING WORST TIME OF MY LIFE, at the same time it's the BEST TIME IN A LONG TIME AND I AM SO HAPPY TO HAVE YOU, but now i'm afraid that you will never trust me , and thats all just because of this MOTHER FUCKING SICKNESS GOING ON IN MY MOTHER FUCKING BODY!I LOVE YOU, I hope u know that, and I will do whatever it takes to meet u just as soon as possible, but, the best time ever, is sp far away right know it seems...
you wanna hear a silly thing, i am crying, like a little baby cause i'm afraid that you maybe will dump me, just cause I don't come when i say i will, i make you sad so many times that it hurts me to know it.
my mother told me to tell you that I should blame it all on her, but I can't cause my mother is always there for me and she's a lovely person and you should not think of her like a bad one. and it's just because i didn't listen 2 her that i still is so sick right now.......
I just..
Ijust wish it was summer right now, and we are together sitting on a blanklet on the beach near by the ocean, and just having this awsome times together.<3<3
ok, det blev på engelska, men mest bara för att jag kollat på massor av engelska saker, men anyway orkar inte översätta ! gör det själv!
XOXO Another ORdinary Girl


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